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What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

By. Megan Burkett

yoga meditating image, yellow, solar plexus chakra symbol
Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol and associated color

As women, we are constantly seeking to better understand ourselves and connect with the world around us. We want to know what makes us tick, and how we can use that knowledge to our advantage. One of the most important aspects of understanding ourselves is exploring our chakras. The solar chakra, also known as the navel chakra, is one of the most important chakras in your entire system. This article will explore everything you need to know about this vital energy center, including what it is and why it's so important. You'll also learn some simple ways to energize and balance your solar chakra! So let's get started!

Solar Plexus Chakra in a Nutshell

All About Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus, also known as the "power chakra," governs our self-esteem, inner strength, and confidence. However, when it is blocked or underactive, we may struggle with feelings of low self-worth and an overblown ego. We may also become attached to our external image and have trouble trusting ourselves and others. Signs of a misaligned solar plexus include aggression, closed-mindedness, and pessimism.

On the other hand, balancing this chakra can lead to a renewed sense of personal power and gut instinct. It can also help us release addictive behaviors related to food or other substances. Connecting with the solar plexus allows us to embrace our authentic selves and let go of negative thought patterns. So next time you notice these signs of imbalance, take a moment to focus on your solar plexus and imagine it glowing with vibrant energy. As you nourish this chakra, you may find yourself feeling more confident and in control of your journey through life.


How To Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra, the source of our personal power and confidence, is often overpowered by fear and control. The key to healing this energy center lies in letting go and stepping into the unknown. Trying new things, expanding our comfort zones, can bring excitement and fulfillment as we discover our true passions. And when we align with what brings us joy, we boost our self-confidence and personal power. As we embark on new experiences, don't forget to incorporate tools like meditation, positive affirmations, and healing crystals for extra support. Trust in the magic of venturing beyond your comfort zone - it may just lead you to your greatest joys.


What Crystals Should I Use to Heal My Solar Plexus Chakra? 

There are many crystals that can help to heal the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is associated with confidence, self-esteem, and personal power. When it is in balance, we feel in control of our lives and are able to handle whatever comes our way. However, when it is out of balance, we may feel insecure, lost, and powerless. The following crystals can help to restore balance to the solar plexus chakra:

- Citrine is a stone of manifestation and abundance. It helps us to attract abundance into our lives and to realize our dreams and goals.

- Tigers Eye is a stone of courage and strength. It helps us to stay centered in our power and move forward with confidence.

- Sunstone is a joyful stone that instills a positive outlook on life. It is helpful for those who have difficulty being in the present moment or who tend to dwell on past hurts.

-Topaz is a powerfully energizing and Solar Plexus Chakra balancing stone. It helps to restore confidence and a sense of personal power.

Each of these crystals has its own unique energies that can help to heal the solar plexus chakra. By working with these crystals, we can brings ourselves back into balance and alignment with our highest good.

View Our Solar Plexus Chakra Waist Bead Collection

Magic By Megan is the number one marketplace for all things related to crystals and their healing properties. We believe in the power of these stones to promote balance and well-being in our lives. Crystal waist beads are a wonderful way to heal and balance the solar plexus chakra. The most effective stones for this purpose are topaz, sunstone, tigers eye, and citrine.These beads should be worn close to the body so that they can absorb the maximum amount of energy from the sun.As you wear them, visualize the beads filling your solar plexus with light and strength. Feel your confidence grow and your worries dissipate. Magic By Megan's crystal waist beads are guaranteed to promote balance and wellness in your life!

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