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What is the Sacral Chakra?

By. Megan Burkett

The sacral chakra is the second of seven Chakras, and it is located in the lower abdomen. This Chakra is associated with emotions, pleasure, sexuality, and creativity. It is energetically connected to the water element and is responsible for our sense of joy and well-being. When the sacral chakra is balanced and open, we feel happy and content. We are able to enjoy life's simple pleasures, and we are able to express ourselves creatively. When this Chakra is blocked or out of balance, we may feel emotionally unstable or disconnected from our sexuality. We may find it difficult to let go and enjoy life's experiences fully. If you are feeling like your sacral chakra needs a little TLC, here are some tips on how to balance it!

Sacral Chakra in a Nutshell

All About Your Sacral Chakra

When our Sacral Chakra is in balance, we are able to creatively navigate through life's ebbs and flows. However, when it becomes imbalanced, we may feel out of control or disconnected from ourselves and others. An overactive Sacral Chakra can manifest as heightened emotions and even addiction, while an underactive Chakra may make us feel emotionally numb and unable to step outside our comfort zone. It is important to assess whether this energy center is balanced, as it greatly affects our ability to experience pleasure and joy in life.

The good news is that any imbalances in the Sacral Chakra can be healed through practices like meditation, breathwork, and journaling. By honoring our emotions and desires with self-compassion, we can restore balance to this vital energy center.


How To Heal Your Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, located at the center of our lower belly, is all about creativity and sexuality. It's important to be gentle with yourself when attempting to heal this energy center - exploring the possible sources of imbalance and finding ways to bring more balance in day-to-day life. Yoga and dance can help to physically release blockages, while visualization exercises and journaling can assist with emotional release. Connecting with the element of water - whether through relaxation in a bath or practicing water-based exercises like swimming - can also bring healing balance to the sacral chakra.

Another way to heal this blockage is to tap into your creativity. Try exploring new crafts or revisiting old passions that spark joy for you. However, it's also important to remember that sometimes healing the sacral chakra requires deeper inner work as well. Unhealthy beliefs and shame around sexuality can also lead to blockages in this area. It might be helpful to reflect on what messages you were taught about sexuality as a child and work through any negative patterns that have been holding you back from fully embracing your sensuality and creative expression. As you do this inner work and bring more creativity into your life, you will start to see a healthy balance restored in your sacral chakra.


What Crystals Should I Use to Heal My Sacral Chakra? 

Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Each crystal vibrates at a different frequency, and when placed on or near the body, they can help to promote balance and wellbeing. When it comes to the sacral chakra, carnelian, orange quartz, citrine, sunstone, and unakite are all great crystals to use.

Carnelian is said to boost creativity and vitality, while orange quartz promotes joy and passion. Citrine is known for its ability to increase self-confidence and creativity, while sunstone is said to bring happiness and good fortune. Unakite helps to ground and protect, making it a great stone for those who are working on balancing their sacral chakra. By placing these crystals on or near the sacral chakra, you can help to restore balance and promote positive energy flow.

View Our Sacral Chakra Waist Bead Collection

Crystal Waist Beads are beautiful, unique pieces of jewelry that can also serve a higher purpose. This particular collection of Crystal Waist Beads can help to re-align and refresh the sacral chakra, allowing you to tap into your creative potential and sexual power. Wearing waist beads is a simple yet effective way to bring more balance into your life and connect with your true source of power. Our Crystal Waist Beads are more than just pretty accessories - they are powerful tools for transformation.

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