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What is the Heart Chakra?

By. Megan Burkett

heart chakra symbol and color
Heart Chakra Symbol and Color

The heart chakra is our very own personal center of love, balance, and connection. Often represented by the color green and located in the heart region, this chakra governs both self-love and love for others. It influences how we express ourselves in social interactions and relationships. When balanced, it allows us to deeply connect with others and cultivate a sense of wholesome self-acceptance. But when blocked or imbalanced, this chakra can manifest as feelings of anger, jealousy, fear of intimacy, or even physical issues such as breathing problems. Luckily, there are various ways to open and heal the heart chakra. Read for more details.

Heart Chakra in a Nutshell

All About Your Heart Chakra

Ah, the heart chakra. The center of love, compassion, and connection to those around us. When it becomes unbalanced, we may find ourselves unable to fully give or receive love, feeling disconnected from others and the world at large. Physical symptoms of an imbalanced heart chakra include chest pain, high blood pressure, excess weight in the chest area, and shallow breathing. On an emotional level, we may experience feelings of anger, jealousy and fear. In order to bring balance back to our fourth energy center, we must actively work towards self-love and acceptance as well as letting go of past grievances. Remember, balance is key - too much or too little energy flowing through this chakra can lead to difficulties in our relationships and overall well-being. Take some time to nurture your heart chakra and cultivate love within yourself and for those around you. Namaste.


How To Heal Your Heart Chakra

A balanced and healed Heart chakra is vital for living a life filled with love, compassion, and joy. One of the ways to begin healing this energy center is through the practice of forgiveness - both forgiving ourselves and others. When we hold onto grudges and resentment, it only harms us in the long run. During meditations, reflect on any ways in which you may have mistreated yourself and ask for forgiveness. If there are any resentments towards others, work towards finding closure and letting go. It's also important to release anything or anyone that does not serve your highest good.

In addition to forgiveness, acknowledging all the blessings in your life can also help heal the Heart chakra. Take a moment to appreciate all the things you love about your life, saying "thank you" or offering a prayer of gratitude for each one. Positive affirmations are another simple yet powerful tool for healing the Heart chakra - speak loving words to yourself each day and watch as they manifest in your reality. The key to a healed Heart chakra lies within you - trust in the magic of forgiveness, gratitude, and positivity.


What Crystals Should I Use to Heal My Heart Chakra? 

Crystals have been used for centuries for their unique healing properties. Each type of crystal has a different vibrational frequency that can help to restore balance in the body. Rose quartz, for example, is known for its ability to heal the heart chakra. This crystal helps to open up the heart to love and forgiveness. Jasper is another powerful heart chakra crystal. It helps to ground the emotions and provides support during times of transition. Green quartz and green aventurine are also helpful for healing the heart chakra. These crystals help to bring in new energy and promote growth.

View Our Heart Chakra Waist Bead Collection

Megan's crystal waist beads are more than just a fashion statement - they're magical! The crystals and beads are specifically chosen to help heal the heart chakra and fill your life with self love, better relationships and forgiveness. When you wear them, you'll feel a sense of peace and calm wash over you. The beads will help to open your heart chakra and allow healing energy to flow in. You'll start to notice your relationships improving, and you'll find it easier to forgive yourself and others. If you're looking for a way to add some magic to your life, Megan's crystal waist beads are the perfect solution!

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